Today I was on Anna Burns’ excellent Weekend Lunch show (on FBI 94.5FM) talking about my favourite Sydney breakfast places. I say ‘favourite’ and not ‘best’, because as soon as you use that word, you end up baiting people into disagreeing. Favourites are a personal thing. Mine are (in no order really):Clipper Cafe, GlebeRuby’s Diner, […]
Favourite Sydney breakfasts
November 7th, 2009 | by Lee Tran Lam | published in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
August 21st, 2008 | by Lee Tran Lam | published in Uncategorized | 3 Comments »
“Can you write on your blog about ‘bressert’?” asked Chris. “You know, ‘breakfast dessert’?” Sure. I admit, the phrase sounds eerily similar to a form of ladies underwear often seen in frat-boy comedies, but I am pro-bressert. I like the idea of the breakfast food pyramid being dismantled, gutted and rebuilt with a few secret […]
Vargabar, Newtown
July 2nd, 2008 | by Lee Tran Lam | published in Uncategorized | 4 Comments »
When you first start going out with someone, one of the nicest things is meeting their group of friends. You’re introduced to a ready-made group of pretty amazing people, without having to go through the years-in-the-making work of finding them from the unknown crowd, one by one, right from scratch. If number one spot goes […]