The Unbearable Lightness of Being Hungry | A Sydney Food Blog


Good Luck Pinbone, Kensington

December 26th, 2016  |  by  |  published in Favourites, Latest, Restaurants | Leave A Comment »

Good Luck Pinbone, Kensington

Pinbone’s re-entry on the Sydney dining scene last month was met with high readings of hype and anticipation – and some tokens of fortune, too. The crew’s latest pop-up, named Good Luck Pinbone, was aptly greeted with charms aplenty after launching in Kensington. A gold chicken wishbone, lucky wooden spoons carved from durian, a rusted […]

Auto.Lab, Chippendale

November 30th, 2016  |  by  |  published in Favourites | Leave A Comment »

Auto.Lab, Chippendale

You always knew that Auto.Lab in Chippendale wasn’t going to deliver your regular scheduled programming when it came to brunch menus. After all, the Automata spin-off (which takes over Silvereye’s vacant site at The Old Clare) is run by some high-powered talent and they’re not going to resort to lazy avocado on toast and other […]

Messina Creative Department, Darlinghurst

October 11th, 2016  |  by  |  published in Favourites, Latest, Restaurants | 2 Comments »

Messina Creative Department, Darlinghurst

Going to the Messina Creative Department in Darlinghurst is – hands down – one of the most delightful things you can do in Sydney. You walk in wondering, “is a seven-course dessert degustation really a wise move?” and walk out so cheerfully light-headed and un-anchored by gravity that you could basically be a balloon float. […]

Bar Brosé, Darlinghurst

July 15th, 2016  |  by  |  published in Favourites, Latest, Restaurants | 1 Comment »

Bar Brosé, Darlinghurst

If you were playing time-keeper, you’d notice that Bar Brosé has made a blazing impression in the short spell it’s been open. In just over three months, it’s scored a near-perfect record of good notices from pretty much every food-fixated outlet you can think of. Plus, head chef Analiese Gregory’s poulet vin jaune d’Australie has already […]

Meet Gerard, Alexandria

June 17th, 2016  |  by  |  published in Cafes, Favourites, Latest | 1 Comment »

Meet Gerard, Alexandria

So Meet Gerard has staged an impressive introduction on this borderline between Alexandria, Redfern and Erskineville. On a corner that’s seen a wipeout of short-lived cafes (RIP), this eatery has not only scored lasting attention, it’s quickly become busy and much-visited. As I wrote in Good Food, Meet Gerard “might finally break the curse of […]

Noma Australia, Barangaroo

March 29th, 2016  |  by  |  published in Favourites, Latest, Restaurants | 5 Comments »

Noma Australia, Barangaroo

So I’m still in a life-altered daze after eating at Noma Australia – even though my visit was a month ago. It might seem like wild overpraise to think that one meal could radically affect my oxygen levels and offer so many moments worth freeze-framing. But this isn’t a restaurant where plate after plate is […]

Ghostboy Cantina, Dixon House Food Court, Haymarket

March 1st, 2016  |  by  |  published in Favourites, Latest, Restaurants | 1 Comment »

Ghostboy Cantina, Dixon House Food Court, Haymarket

Ghostboy Cantina was one of the 2016 venue openings I was most wired about, and it’s proved to be worth the calendar countdown. Owner/chef Toby Wilson set himself a launch date of Chinese New Year, which meant he found himself dodging lion dancers and Chinatown crowds in setting up his Haymarket taqueria and, as you’d […]

The Rabbit Hole Organic Tea Bar, Redfern

January 15th, 2016  |  by  |  published in Bars, Cafes, Favourites, Latest | Leave A Comment »

The Rabbit Hole Organic Tea Bar, Redfern

The Rabbit Hole Organic Tea Bar reopened in Redfern last week, so it’s a good time to respark interest in this great one-of-a-kind venue. It’s gotten a lot of worthwhile attention for proving that there’s more to tea than a bag thoughtlessly dunked into a mug – and even though steeped leaves are a headline […]

The Paddington and other 2015 highlights

December 31st, 2015  |  by  |  published in Favourites, Latest, Restaurants | Leave A Comment »

The Paddington and other 2015 highlights

So I’m writing this literally hours before 2015 is about to wind up, so I hope you don’t mind if I do a little time-tripping via memory lane and drop some of my culinary highlights of 2015. One of the most-amped-up openings of the year was The Paddington in (non-spoiler alert) Paddington. Given that it […]

Dinner at Two Chaps, Marrickville

December 1st, 2015  |  by  |  published in Favourites, Latest, Restaurants | Leave A Comment »

Dinner at Two Chaps, Marrickville

Two Chaps in Marrickville is one of my favourite places for dinner right now. You’re given such an insanely generous amount of food that you wonder if the waiter might secretly be your grandmother – you know, the kind that sees empty plates as their arch-enemy. The set menu here is rustic, Italian and such […]



Hi, I'm Lee Tran Lam. When not blogging with my mouth full, I'm usually writing, presenting Local Fidelity on FBi radio, making zines, producing podcasts or continually breaking promises about how I really am gonna get through my book pile one day.

All the good pictures on this blog are by photography ace (and patient boyfriend), Will Reichelt, (all the dodgy ones can be credited to me)!

The lovely banner is by friend and ultra-talented illustrator Grace Lee.

This site redesign was made possible by the next-level generosity and expertise of Daniel Boud, whose code-tinkering ways are only outranked by his seriously inspired way with a camera.

You can read more about my co-conspirators here.

This is a blog I do for pure fun and zero influence – there's no sponsorship, sneaky advertorial or advertising. I pay for all the food mentioned, 'cos it seems the ethical thing to do.


This is a blog about eating and drinking in Sydney, Australia (with the odd cross-border or off-topic detour). BYO appetite.

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