So this sneaky post has very little to do with food, but I hope you don’t mind me mentioning that I’m in an exhibition that opens next week.
There will be copies of my Japan zine on show (and for sale, for anyone with spare pocket change) at Janet Clayton Gallery. The exhibition is called ‘From Scrolls To Zines’ and it will feature other paper-folding talents, such as Vanessa Berry and Angela Cavalieri.
If you need some appetite-related details to hook your interest, the zine does include quite a few food-related mentions – from educational Kit Kat flavours to a bakery that has a seven-year waiting period for its bread (imagine how amazing it must be!).
‘From Scrolls To Zines’ opens on Wednesday January 23 and runs until February 2 at Janet Clayton Gallery, 2 Danks Street Waterloo NSW.
Tags: Japan, zines
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