The Unbearable Lightness of Being Hungry | A Sydney Food Blog

New York through Lego, by the amazing Christoph Niemann

February 4th, 2009  |  Published in Uncategorized  |  2 Comments

If you haven’t already seen it, you have to check out artist Christoph Niemann’s incredible recollection of New York through Lego. It was published in the current edition of The New York Times.

A lot of the Lego references are – of course – quite New York-centric, but I’ve isolated a few of the food ones here.

On the topic of food, you should have a buzz through his mini-memoir of life with coffee, as shown through cleverly stained napkin art – it appears in the same paper. I especially love his description here: “My mother (who makes the most delicious coffee in the world), is obsessed with a particularly potent mechanical foam maker. The result is a layer of impenetrable foam, a kind of lacto-stucco. I have to gnaw my way through it before being able to get to the actual coffee. Apart from that she really makes the best coffee in the world.”

Awesome is too micro-sized a word to describe his artistic feats!

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  1. bowb says:

    chritoph niemann is one of my favourite illustrators! thanks for the coffee link. a friend of mine forwarded me the lego stuff earlier in the week, so now my awe is doubled.

    i was crushed yesterday when i typed in your original blogspot url, and it said the page no longer existed. now i see it was just a redirection issue, hurrah! congrats on your standalone domain — it is possibly the best name for a food blog ever.

  2. leetranlam says:

    Thanks for your ever-lovely comment! You are super-kind.
    Glad you are a Christoph Niemann fan, too. I’ve always seen his illustrations in the New Yorker, but had no idea he had all these other imaginative cloudbursts going until I saw his NYT blog. The coffee work is totally cool and so worthy of your awe!
    PS I love that you have a Zumbo pastry named after you! Too awesome.

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Hi, I'm Lee Tran Lam. When not blogging with my mouth full, I'm usually writing, presenting Local Fidelity on FBi radio, making zines, producing podcasts or continually breaking promises about how I really am gonna get through my book pile one day.

All the good pictures on this blog are by photography ace (and patient boyfriend), Will Reichelt, (all the dodgy ones can be credited to me)!

The lovely banner is by friend and ultra-talented illustrator Grace Lee.

This site redesign was made possible by the next-level generosity and expertise of Daniel Boud, whose code-tinkering ways are only outranked by his seriously inspired way with a camera.

You can read more about my co-conspirators here.

This is a blog I do for pure fun and zero influence – there's no sponsorship, sneaky advertorial or advertising. I pay for all the food mentioned, 'cos it seems the ethical thing to do.


This is a blog about eating and drinking in Sydney, Australia (with the odd cross-border or off-topic detour). BYO appetite.

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