The Unbearable Lightness of Being Hungry | A Sydney Food Blog

New podcast – Kylie Millar, Pei Modern

December 4th, 2014  |  Published in Latest, Podcasts  |  3 Comments

Chocolate Tart, Eucalyptus Cream-017

Kylie Millar has a masters of physiotherapy – and has even worked with the Sydney Swans AFL team! – but that’s probably not why you’ve heard of her. She’s done time at Mugaritz in Spain, which is ranked no. 6 on the World’s Best Restaurants list, and also has worked as a pastry chef at the sugar-laced wonderland that is Burch and Purchese in Melbourne and is currently turning out desserts at the acclaimed new Sydney outpost of Pei Modern. In 2012, she also was a contestant on a TV show you may have heard of called Masterchef.

In this podcast, she talks about both the pressures and highlights of being on Masterchef, from feeding guts to Massimo Bottura to meeting her idol, Jamie Oliver (Kylie admits she lost her cool when this happened – “I was worse than the screaming teenage girls at a Justin Bieber concert”).

Your sweet tooth will also get a workout while listening to this episode, whether it’s hearing about her nougatine parfait “D-day” moment with Guillaume Brahimi, or when she recreates the atmosphere of working at Burch and Purchese (where you could smell the sugar in the air as soon as you walked into the patisserie; or enjoy a cheese and crumble dish with smoked vanilla ice-cream, as part of the dessert degustations). Kylie also talks about experiencing and making next-level sweets in Spain (drawing on a convention-stretching ingredients list that ranges from lemon pith to foie gras!), and her current role at Pei Modern, where the menu includes unique creations such as a sorrel sorbet with honeycomb and a not-so-typical chocolate tart with eucalyptus and cultured cream.

And somehow Kylie also has time to experiment with her own line of sweets! She is currently working on a range of salted honeycomb, a one-of-a-kind salted caramel with cultured cream, and even bespoke cakes. If you’re keen on ordering any of these, you can contact Kylie directly on The salted caramel is especially amazing! It’s definitely up there with the best I’ve ever had.

Pei Modern - Sauternes Custard & Crostoli

Despite the high sugar content of the podcast, I can guarantee you that there’s no post-consumption crash after sampling this episode. In fact, it was a total delight to talk to Kylie – her enthusiasm, charm and dedication frosts the conversation in the best way possible.

You can listen to this episode on iTunes or download it via RSS or directly. And major gratitude to everyone who has kindly spread the word about this podcast or left a rating or comment in the iTunes store – it makes the 3am podcast-uploading spree worth it!

Photos courtesy of Pei Modern/Four Seasons

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  1. Had no idea Kylie had a physiotherapy background. Good to see she is still focussed on helping people feel better though – with dessert!

    • Lee Tran Lam says:

      Yes, I like the way you put it, Helen! I like that even the most unsporty of people (like me!) can now get the most of Kylie’s expertise, via her spectacular & sweet creations. It is pretty cool that she spent time with the Sydney Swans, though!

  2. […] pudding we shared the much-anticipated sorrel sorbet with house-made honeycomb, which my friend Lee Tran Lam had instagrammed the week before and I had been desiring ever since. It was as delightful as […]

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Hi, I'm Lee Tran Lam. When not blogging with my mouth full, I'm usually writing, presenting Local Fidelity on FBi radio, making zines, producing podcasts or continually breaking promises about how I really am gonna get through my book pile one day.

All the good pictures on this blog are by photography ace (and patient boyfriend), Will Reichelt, (all the dodgy ones can be credited to me)!

The lovely banner is by friend and ultra-talented illustrator Grace Lee.

This site redesign was made possible by the next-level generosity and expertise of Daniel Boud, whose code-tinkering ways are only outranked by his seriously inspired way with a camera.

You can read more about my co-conspirators here.

This is a blog I do for pure fun and zero influence – there's no sponsorship, sneaky advertorial or advertising. I pay for all the food mentioned, 'cos it seems the ethical thing to do.


This is a blog about eating and drinking in Sydney, Australia (with the odd cross-border or off-topic detour). BYO appetite.

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