You know you’re about 1000 years old when it’s only 10.30pm on a Saturday night and you’re already lusting after a good pillow and some shut-eye. And while it’s not even that late, you’ve already seen a guy with a big bird’s head waltz around the place and your first thought is, will he get carded if he enters a nightclub? (This is literally true – and not some Fear and Loathing-style babbling – there was a dude with a bird’s head hanging out and drinking near us.) Your voice is being sandpapered into a Tom Waits croak from yelling and re-yelling your words over loud music. But you’re with a buzzing bunch of people and you’re hanging out at Lounge and you’re grateful that you even have a table ‘cos it’s a damn popular place. And even though you’re miffed they no longer do their fantastic roast pumpkin pizza, you’re onto your second Raspberry, Peach and Mango Juice ($5) and even sleepy-eyed wimps like yourself can tap off the surrounding energy to stay up until a respectably “late” hour. And maybe you’ll come back and try that new vego pizza that’s bumped your old fave off the menu.
Lounge, 277 Goulburn Street, Surry Hills NSW (02) 9356 8888
Tags: Lounge, Sydney
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