The good thing about being sick is getting to laze out with noodle soups for a week. The bad thing is wearing out your favourite ramen recipe.
So I switched it up this morning and I made breakfast couscous instead. I took the basics from here – boil 1 cup fruit juice and one tbsp honey, stir in 1 cup of grains – but ditched most of the following instructions (including the blatant name-brand plugs) and just fanned in banana slices and blueberries, drizzled a lot of passionfruit over everything and finished off with toasted almond flakes. So easy!
It’s a summery dish, which matched the sun-saturated day very sweetly. Until, of course, the weather went a little wacko (suddenly, it was grey and rainy). That’s Sydney for you, though, with the elements sending more mixed signals than an unreadable first date. Sort of made me feel glad to be stuck inside.
Normal posting to resume soon (as long as my immune system lives up to that part of the promise – I think it will).
Tags: breakfast, recipes, vegetarian
Couscous for brekkie. Weird. But looks delicious.
Looks delish! Have you posted your favourite ramen recipe up on your blog? I am a vego and am always on the look out for more ways to eat noodles 🙂
Thanks for the nice comments.
It’s true, couscous for brek does sound a bit weird, Miss B, but then in a way, no weirder than muesli or porridge.
Rory, I haven’t posted my fave ramen recipe yet but I prob will in a week or two – it’s a great number, as it is truly vego (ramen often is drowned in fatty pork stock) and it’s tasty and in no way second-rate (as some vego versions of things can be!). Soon, I promise!
+1 with the Ramen! Very curious as to how else you can make ramen taste that much better.
p.s. Awesome site I love it!
yes, this was my favourite childhood treat! you have reminded me, I must do it this weekend. x